Geese flying west along the south coast of Långören
Miniature artwork 'Birds don't take the train but we do' made by Rosa as a gift to the residency. Send from Scheveningen to Blekinge by post on Thursday 14th of October. Hasn't arrived yet.
Tree full of Kingsbirds. This small bird has either migrated from the north of Scandinavia to Blekinge or will travel even more to southern Europe. They fly during the night.
During the night between the 28th and the 29th a loud screaming sound infiltrated Rosa's dream when she was sleeping in her tent. In her dream it was her screaming and no one coming to help. When she woke up she heard the sounds moving around in the sky above her head.
Was it
a. the endangered Barn Owl -Tornugglan-
b. a flying fox
c. her own imagination
*No animals were harmed (by us) in the creation of this website
When you cycle in the area of Blekinge it is most likely you will see a bird. On this occasion Rosa saw several preying birds. Xenia informs you she also saw them and in the video you can as well if you pay attention.
Messenger bird as way of communicating from and to the submarine
Seagull in the Rosemholm archive
Embroidered bird patch from the Blekinge Museum textile collection, with the colours of Blekinge.
Birds talking and singing and debating in the trees at Sharp Island in Hong Kong